we continue to increase our sanitizing practices, while closely monitoring what the WHO, CDC and our local officials are suggesting. On Monday of this week, we implemented a daily routine that we feel is monumental in our fight against the spread of COVID-19. Using a cool mist fogging machine, every van used for deliveries is saturated with a hospital level disinfectant inside, and on all exterior handles. Just this week, the product we are using was verified by the EPA to kill COVID-19 on contact. In addition, the product is 100% food safe and eliminates the virus on all porous, non porous and soft surfaces without the use of synthetic chemicals. All employees are temperature checked before they begin working each morning. We are fogging our office at the end of every day, and are not allowing entry into our building by anyone not employed by Just The Best. Our employees have committed to abiding by the Governor's recommended stay at home guidelines when they are not working, wear gloves at all times, and have been assured 14 days of sick leave as necessary in the event that they feel unwel

We are proud to be considered an essential business during these tumultuous times and are honored to continue to serve each and every one of you. Should you have any additional questions, or concerns please don’t hesitate to give me a call.  

As a reminder, we continue to deliver in Santa Fe AND ALBUQUERQUE Monday through FRIDAY, AND IN NORTHERN NM TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.

Thank you…. for not just asking that others support local, but actually practicing that yourselves when you choose JTB. 
